In this course I was studying about comics but the first thing we had to do was get lots of research about manga.But what the main points we had to do was the comic book cover of our own superhero.The other thing we had done was create a double page spread and last of all we had to do this the commentary. The other work that I was doing was the personality of the super hero and what they wore. i was focused on this part is because I had to think of my super hero and comic book .



What are comic books they are one of the worlds leading books in the world because of the pictures the colors and the speech for it.
How this all started :
It all started in japan in the late 1700s with 
Pictures depicting folk tales and legends were printed using wood blocks in the late 1700s, forming to modern "manga" comics. Then it was spreading all around the world but then was America. But it began with the famous funnies in 1934 by the other comics from the years.



One of the worlds major comic industries is marvel. it is well known because of it characters that is batman,spiderman ,superman e.c.t . How marvel started was in the 1960s but they hardly whet any were because of the deadlines in the 50s.. when DC came they helped marvel survive and with some help from stan and grave. the main comics that lead the way was fantastic four in 1974. The fantastic four was good because of  how realistic it was then and then marvel comics just kept on coming . The marvel method at that time was lee and kirby working together and bring great ideas.then it was the coming got incredible hulk.the story line of this was a  brilliant scientist and inventor of a new form of Atomic Bomb (a Gamma Bomb) Bruce Banner being transformed by his creation into an unchecked force of destruction and it was the incredible hulk his personalty 
. he is very clever.
. the green for his body could be becuse of the colour from what he did.
. Very angry when he is turned to hulk
with the success from this made the marvel industry keep on going and so the marvel age was under way



There was one man that did not like the comic book industry and his name was Dr Fredric Wertham, m.d. this man made one book called seduction of the innocent in 1954 which lead to the comic book industry. And this man created the comics code. the book that he made was talking about the way the world was turning in to that was drugs,sex,violence and crime. And in the book it said it changed how children was behaving. what happened to some comic book industry was some of then closed down some of them could not sell their comic book and even the population went down and marvel/dc could not sell their comics. All this created a massive effect on the media.



My  superhero front cover shows that he is very fast and he has got lost of gadgets. What I think about my super hero is i think that i did a very good job from this. I like the speed effect i done to make my super hero look fast from the title. What i think about my comic cover is that it does do the job for the modern society.
Why i created my character like this is because to make him look fast. why i put the background as the sun is because he has very fast powers and he came from space here the sun and know one know how he looks like
why there are two bad gyes is because there is always one dopey bad gi and there is the boss that tell everyone what to to and he always wats what he was the brown one is the boss and the white won is the dopy one or sometimes it goes the other way around



What is Manga ? Manga is a japonicas word for comics.Manga is closely with anime and animations that are Japanese. now what people think manga is they think it is a brand or name of some sort.Manga is a very popular comic because it was one of  the first comics in history. And manga is like the beginning and plus it is not for on age it is for many 
Why is manga so popular ?Manga is very popular because it started in the earlers years and because of the super heros and the story lines but when you go in to the shops these comics chatchs your etnshin because of the colour the pictures and design and it is very cheap.



Osama Tezuka was one of the greatest cartoonist in the world. Osama Tezuka created one of the best cartoon in the world and it was Asrto boy and one of the best sellers in the world. How he started was when he was at elementary school and then he started drawing Phoenix and he was very impressed at it and he made comics.he really started when he was 17 and when he suvived the world war 2 he created on of his full pieces and it was diary ma-chan that was on of an american comic book at that time



My manga double page spread is like this becuase the goes with the genre that i am doind as you could see in the picture. what i used to make this double page spread is comic life it is very simple to use because it is mainly drag and drop all the time. and you could see i used my own pictures.As you could see i used less lots more pictures that text because in manga double page spread it has got more pictures that text and some of manga comics don't even have text



i think in this course is that i did very well because i learnt lots of new skills in photoshop.i learnt a lot about comics (manga).i even learnt how to use comic life and i found out that one little thing could change other peoples lives example comics changed people lives from when it had started and till now 
